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systematic staging of borderline ovarian tumors. Disease staging was performed according to the recommendations of FIGO.11 Restaging operations were defined as surgical procedures performed after initial incomplete staging, regardless of the initial dis-ease stage, such that 1) the interval between initial surgery and restaging was 6 months and 2) the Tumors of low malignant potential (i.e., borderline tumors) account for 15% of all epithelial ovarian cancers. Nearly 75% of these tumors are stage I at the time of diagnosis. These tumors must be recognized because their prognosis and treatment is clearly different from the frankly malignant invasive carcinomas. Both MRI and MDCT can be used to map peritoneal disease and provide information for preoperative planning and staging. Borderline ovarian tumors are not PET-avid and hence are interpreted as “benign” tumors on FDG PET [33, 34].

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2020-04-01 · Borderline ovarian tumors (BOT) are defined by FIGO committee as “low malignant potential tumor” . BOT are rare gynecologic tumors and represent around 10% to 15% of epithelial ovarian tumors . Prognosis is good with a global 95% 5-year overall survival and 90% 10-year overall survival [3,4]. When you use the term borderline tumor, there is always the question: Is it a tumor or is it not?,” he noted. The consideration of pelvic masses as borderline tumors or low malignant potential had been studied for nearly half a century, and the use of the term and the treatment of the disease involved with it has been evolving over the last several decades, Dr. Greer remarked.

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Inwieweit … In the 1980s, reports of two large series underscored the inadequacy of surgical staging for frankly invasive ovarian tumors. 12, 13 Reports of three smaller series have addressed the adequacy of surgical staging for borderline ovarian tumors in women referred to tertiary medical centers after initial surgery elsewhere. 14-16 However, to our knowledge no large series study has examined the Tumors of borderline malignancy account for approximately 20% of all ovarian tumors. Their diagnostic criteria mainly include: the absence of destructive stromal invasion, stratification of After a fertility-sparing comprehensive surgical staging procedure was performed, she was diagnosed with stage IC fallopian tube serous borderline tumor and underwent no further therapy.

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Borderline tumor staging

The consideration of pelvic masses as borderline tumors or low malignant potential had been studied for nearly half a century, and the use of the term and the treatment of the disease involved with it has been evolving over the last several decades, Dr. Greer remarked. Ovarian borderline tumors have also been referred to as “tumors of low malignant potential” or “atypical proliferative tumors”; however “borderline tumor” is the preferred terminology. Borderline tumors exhibit epithelial proliferation and cytologic atypia, beyond that acceptable for a benign neoplasm, but do not exhibit the destructive growth seen in carcinomas. Tumors of borderline malignancy account for approximately 20% of all ovarian tumors.

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Borderline tumor staging

dataset epidemiogical cancer registry North-Rhine-Westphalia. With friendly permission Borderline (O) Tumorstaging Symbol y (YSymbol). Handelt es sich  P36 - Preoperative local tumor staging improves survival in patients lymph nodes and impaired survival in resected patients with borderline.

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One Ovary had Borderline Ovarian Tumor with no damge 8 Replies. borderline ovarian tumor 2020-05-27 Summary Stage is the only applicable staging system for this site/histology/schema.

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rainsunshine I had a 3 to 4 cm paratubal cyst (near the fimbriated end) removed Nov 7th. and the pathology report came back as " Serous Borderline Cystic Tumor. Preoperatively, borderline tumors are often presumed to be either benign or malignant ovarian masses; however, as with other ovarian masses, staging is performed surgically.

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Preoperatively, borderline tumors are often presumed to be either benign or malignant ovarian masses; however, as with other ovarian masses, staging is performed surgically. KEYWORDS: ovary, borderline tumors, surgery, staging. B orderline ovarian tumors, also referred to as tumors of low ma-lignant potential, first were described by Taylor in 1929 when he noted a group of “semimalignant” ovarian tumors that were associ-ated with a favorable prognosis.1 Borderline ovarian tumors first were Der Borderline-Tumor des Ovars tritt im Gegensatz zum invasiven Ovarialkarzinom 10 Jahre früher auf und zeigt eine exzellente Zehnjahresüberlebensrate.

Protocol applies to all primary borderline and malignant surface epithelial tumors, germ cell tumors, and sex cord-stromal tumors. Protocol revision date: January 2005 Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 6th edition and FIGO 2001 Annual Report Procedures • Cytology (No Accompanying Checklist) • Incisional Biopsy (No Accompanying Checklist) 2017-02-01 Serous Borderline Tumor - complete staging surgruy? rainsunshine I had a 3 to 4 cm paratubal cyst (near the fimbriated end) removed Nov 7th. and the pathology report came back as " Serous Borderline Cystic Tumor. Staging procedure in borderline ovarian tumors is a topic of controversy.