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FISSUREN ▷ English Translation - Examples Of Use Fissuren
It provides an exit route for the chorda tympani from the middle ear to the glenoid fossa and also allows passage of the anterior tympanic artery. Glaserian fissure — Gla·se·ri·an fissure glə zir ē ən n PETROTYMPANIC FISSURE Gla·ser glä zər Johann Heinrich (1629 1675) Swiss anatomist and surgeon. Glaser was a professor of anatomy who notably reformed clinical instruction. traduction glaserian fissure dans le dictionnaire Anglais - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'Glaswegian',glassed-in',glaring',glassware', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques The fissure was probably first described by Joseph Guichard Duverney (1648-1730) around the same time, in the late 1600s, and then eponymically misassociated by others with Glaser in the mid-1700s . The eponym was popular enough that it became used as an adjective without capitalization (glaserian), similar to eustachian or fallopian .
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The anterior tympanic artery most often arises from the internal maxillary artery and subsequently courses posteriorly through the petrotympanic (glaserian) fissure with the chorda tympani nerve into the middle ear. 11 This vessel provides the primary blood supply of the malleus and incus and the superior and lateral walls of the attic. The petrotympanic fissure (also known as the squamotympanic fissure) is a fissure in the temporal bone [1] that runs from the temporomandibular joint to the tympanic cavity. [ 2 ] The mandibular fossa is bounded, in front, by the articular tubercle ; behind, by the tympanic part of the bone, which separates it from the external acoustic meatus Petrotympanic fissure definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! The petrotympanic fissure (also known as the squamotympanic fissure or the glaserian fissure) is a fissure in the temporal bone that runs from the temporomandibular joint to the tympanic cavity. [2] A fissure between the tympanic and petrous portions of the temporal bone; it transmits the chorda tympani nerve through a small patent portion, the anterior canaliculus of the chorda tympani.
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petrotympanic fissure n a narrow transverse slit dividing the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone called also Glaserian fissure fissura petrotympanica . Medical dictionary . Tympanosquamous, petrotympanic, petrosquamous The tympanosquamous fissure is best seen anterior to the EAC (Figure 1), and continues medially into the petrotympanic and petrosquamous fissures. The petrotympanic (Glaserian) fissure can be visualized on axial and sagittal images We found 4 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word glaserian fissure: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "glaserian fissure" is defined.
Petrotympanic spricka - Petrotympanic fissure -
(중앙 왼쪽에 표시된 Glaserian fissure.) 상세. 식별자. A list of 1 Fissure puns!
It is a medial continuation of the tympanosquamosal suture that runs between the superior borders of the tympanic and petrous parts of the temporal bone.
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Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web. The arrangement of these columns in a pseudohexagonal form is similar to that of glaserite.However, since [alpha]-TCP does not have a 2:1 cation-anion ratio, its emulation of the glaserite structure requires cation vacancies with the formula [Ca.sub.3][][([PO.sub.4]).sub.2] where [] = vacancy.
2019-10-12 · Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
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1B and 1C). It provides an exit route for the chorda tympani from the mid-dle ear to the infratemporal fossa and also al - lows passage of the anterior tympanic artery. The petrosquamous fissure is continuous with Koerner septum.
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Petrotympanic fissure Names.
Petrotympanic spricka - Petrotympanic fissure -
(Glaserian fissure labeled 16 Oct 2016 Gf, Glaserian fissure; mlf, middle lacerate foramen; mp, mastoid process; mt, mastoid tubercle; oc, occipital condyle; pgf, postglenoid fossa; plf Petrotympanic fissure (glaserian fissure) (Fissura petrotympanica) is afissure situated dorsomedial to the fossa of the temporomandibular joint, between the the bulla and the glaserian fissure in UM 72623. Squamosal — The lateral aspect of the squamosal is dominated by a large lambdoid plate: a shallow oval.
The fossa is divided into two parts by a narrow slit, the petrotympanic fissure Glaserian fissure. Fossan delas i två delar av en smal fissur, fissura petrotympanica.